Where could we race in Lithuania? There are some point!
Most of us are skating to have fun, we do not chase for the records. But marathons are those fests when it is so fascinating to run by safe routes away from traffic, meet skaters from […]
Most of us are skating to have fun, we do not chase for the records. But marathons are those fests when it is so fascinating to run by safe routes away from traffic, meet skaters from […]
Most of us are skating to have fun, we do not chase for the records. But marathons are those fests when it is so fascinating to run by safe routes away from traffic, meet skaters from […]
Most of us are skating to have fun, we do not chase for the records. But marathons are those fests when it is so fascinating to run by safe routes away from traffic, meet skaters from […]
Most of us are skating to have fun, we do not chase for the records. But marathons are those fests when it is so fascinating to run by safe routes away from traffic, meet skaters from […]
Le Manas (Prancūzija) žinomas visame pasaulyje savo epine 24 valandų ištvermės lenktynių trasa. Tačiau joje varžosi ne tik automobiliai, kiekvieną vasarą vienai parai legendinis Bugatti žiedas priima nuo kelių iki keliolikos tūkstančių riedutininkų! Šių lenktynių formatas […]
Le Mans (France) is known worldwide for its epic 24-hour endurance race track. However, not only cars compete there, the legendary Bugatti ring hosts thousands of skaters just for one day every summer! The format of […]
Jei atsivertėte mūsų tinklapį, Jums nereikia dar kartą pasakoti kas yra Berlyno maratonas ir ką reiškia laimėti tokio kalibro varžybose. Daugeliui tai lieka neišsipildžiusia svajone. Bet 2023-iųjų Berlynas vienam iš mūsų išliks atmintyje kaip diena, kai […]
Masurian Inline Marathon (Mazurski Maraton Rolkowy) is the inline skating race closest to Lithuania. The home of the event is the town of Ruciane-Nida, in the charming neighborhood of which the hosts prepare 5 km long […]
Hi mate, we are getting ready for the Berlin Skating Marathon. That is why the translation of the last two articles will be published a little later. We will be back right after the race, use automatic […]
Back in the day, Estonian Inline Skating Cup used to gather several hundred participants in each of the distances. Skaters from Lithuania also participated here on regular base. Unfortunately, well known recent events have significantly changed […]